Strong enough by The Heavy is playing as I type this. Listen as you read for better results.

Well I have had a lot of disappointing experiences in my persuit to make pen pals and internet friends. I have also met some great people but I am in contact with very few of them. What i have learned from my endeavors is that it is important to pace yourself. I don't want you to be dry and send short responses but i also don't want you to call me your bff when we don't know each other well enough. Keep your expectations reasonable and let things take their natural course. 


I enjoy a lot of things and as much as I would like to talk about them, I am not going to. i am not sure i have anything to say. That's because having the same favorite TV shows or liking the same band doesn’t mean anything to me. It also doesn't mean just because we like different things we can't be tight. That and I am afraid not many people like the shows I like and won't want to talk to me. But it is primarily the first thing. 

I like laughing with people and making them laugh. I think that not having fun while you can, is a waste of your life. But don't take my word for it. Some people say the same thing about Starbucks. I am open to pretty much anything.

So what am i looking for? A person. 


If you have reason to believe that you are human with blood coursing through your veins and are not a meanie or a weenie, please reach out. I want to know your beautiful soul. I am just going to casually mention that I am a 20 year old college student from Ethiopia because i most certainly forgot to mention that. You can go ahead and type your message to me.

Find me on here or email me at rob penpals @ gmail . com. Definitely without the spaces. We can share other platforms once i figure out you are not a creep. Or worse, a flat earther.

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