me? looking for a penpal? in 2020?

it's more likely than you'd think! Hi, I'm Jade, i'm about to turn 16 on the tenth, and I really like writing letters! both digital and on paper. i think it would be really fun to meet someone through the sort of "masked anonymity" that being penpals offers, yknow? i guess telling a little about myself is important, huh? well--i live in california, my favorite color is green, and im a queer kid (she/he). i love my succulents, my dog, and my friends. i play a *lot* of dungeons and dragons, so if you are curious about that subject at all boy am i the penpal for you. alongside d&d i have a general love of fantasy and worldbuilding, making characters, and general creativity! i send memes to people when they remind me of them and i can climb trees in heels and i have 6 inch platforms so you should totally be my friend.speaking of friends, im not really looking for any sorta person in particular. if we have something in common like geeking out over rpgs or being gay as hell or having a breakdown every 2 months and dying your hair a different color? great! but im always down to meet new types of people :)sooo without further ado, hit me up at and just let me know you found me on here! xoxo jade
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jade - she/he

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  • Hi I'm Leo also 16 I am learning how to play dnd so it would be really cool to talk about that so if you want to talk just message me here :)
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