Learning Newage Friendships

Learning Newage Friendships

I am new to this site, but I must say it is ingenious. I am 54 and used to pen-paling the old snail mail way, then people move and new technology takes over. I always have felt that with advancement we lose the human nature part of life. So I am looking forward to meeting different people in different places. Everyone needs to get excited about something besides looking at bills that moved from the mail box in the yard to the inbox sigh. So anyone wanting to be friends or like to write. I am open to that. I am looking for other female penpals, location does not matter

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Omg Jenn B

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  • would love to write to you. I am 54 years of age to. Please email me at laurieyounginoh@gmail.com if you would like. thanks
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Check out this example for an ad (without a photo).

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