Hi I'm Ryan

Hi I'm Ryan, I'm 16 years old, nearly 17, and   I live in New Zealand. I am a fairly average teenager with out many interesting hobbies or skills. I'll put a list of things I enjoy and let you decide whether or not you want to message me. 

  • I play guitar and bass 
  • I record (try to anyway) my own music
  • Listen to a variety of music ranging from pop to metal
  • Massive Netflix person
  • I do sports photography as well as landscape photography 
  • Bit of a bookworm when I find the time to (probably should be reading books instead of watching Netflix

That pretty sums up my hobbies and what I spend my time doing, if you would like to talk add me on snapchat as that's where I'm most active @rhino451 

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Only Members can make a blog post.

Make your own blog post

  1. Press "Add Blog Post"
  2. Choose a "Title" and write a text about yourself. You can also add Photos.
  3. This part of the website is public - but you can choose if "Everyone (Public)" can see it or of only Friendies users can see it. If you choose to post it public, you can add extra contact information because otherwise people have to register to contact you.
  4. When you think you are ready you can also press "Preview" before you can "Save and publish" it.

Guidelines to upload photos:

  1. Press the photo icon to upload a photo
  2. Make sure the Width isn't over 500.
  3. You can also change the size of your photo by pulling at these corners.
  4. Preview your post - to also check that your photo isn't taking over the whole page :)

Check out this example for an ad (without a photo).

This is an other example - try to make your ad a little bit more interesting than the one below.