
Hi everyone!

Firstly: I hope you're all looking after yourselves during this, and I hope that everything has been okay over these last few months. I know things seem hectic right now, but this sort of stuff has happened all over the world for years - the only difference is we can see it now. Everything will return to normal, with time, and hopefully it'll improve, too. 

I'm Eoin. I'm about to turn 21, I'm from Ireland, studying history and politics as a dual-honour undergrad. I've been locked in the house for months now and I'm going kind of insane. I've been reading a lot, playing games, and watching some excellent TV. I also have a lot of music built up. I can't wait to share all of those things with you! 

I'm just looking for someone who can talk - preferably for a few hours at a time, about all sorts of things. I can get a bit heavy - history and politics can be heavy - and I rely a lot on my dark humour. I don't want to speak to anyone who's regressive, though. I'd probably be too lefty for you.


I hope to hear from you soon! Message me through here and we can share instagrams or snapchat. 

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Check out this example for an ad (without a photo).

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