Friends Wanted 17F

Friends Wanted 17F



Hi Im Gabby!


17 years old, Cancer  , Senior in high school. I live in TN,USA


🤍 Im bisexual and taken. We’re in a LDR which is hard but sooo worth it


🖤 Fandoms : H2O Delirious, HTTYD, Cry Baby, P!ATD, FØB, Corpse Husband, KubzScout, Arianator, Lucifer, IZombie, August Alsina, Hamilton, Legally Blonde ( musical and movie ), Clueless, KPOP ( slowly getting into it ), ASMR channels, etc


Just got into Anime. So far I’m watching or currently watching Tokyo Ghoul, Maid-Sama, Death Note, Snow White with Red Hair, Black Butler, and Love is War


Im very random so sometimes I want company and sometimes I want alone time. I also am busy a lot so I wont be the type of friend to text you all day everyday ( Ill probably go a few days without texting you actually), but trust me, Im always here to talk and will never abandon you. I just suck at replying sometimes


Age doesn’t matter to me honestly. Just make sure you’re not some extremely old man/woman. I also accept people younger. I love the thought of having like a young or older sister/brother


I love reading, watching youtube, attempting to cook, singing, etc.


I have a PS4 with mostly free games on it but i love watch people play games so


You can contact me on here, my email, Instagram, or tumblr. 
I put a space in my email incase of spam

email ( social email ) : fangurlsattack101

tumblr : alura-g

Instagram: fangurlsattck_101

tell me you are from here when you message me or Ill be freaked out and ignore you. Sorry 😅

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