About the Blog

The Pen Pal Culture blog includes posts with tips on how to stay safe, how to decorate letters or how to build a lasting friendship. Every now and then I will also publish conversations with people from around the world who will share their culture in an Interview.

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Internet Best Friends Tips


Hello lovelies!

A few people asked me to make a post about this - so here it is. "How to from a good friendship online." A quick reminder: finding your "best" friend is as hard in real life, it's not any easier online. You might go to school or work with 20 other people, sometimes you quickly find a best friend there or you don't. Same goes for online friends. Be patient. But here are my tips:

1. Be understanding, if your pen pal has anxiety or some ridiculous fear, be understanding and supportive. Make them feel like they can tell you anything.

2. Use humor, make fun of yourself. I love making fun of myself in emails and it often turns out that my internet friends then feels comfortable to make fun of herself to and when we tend to be similar personalities we basically start making jokes about "us". And that's a nice bonding, I also do with my real life friends.

3. Try to connect over more then one social media. But talk on one specific one regularly.

4. Have unique conversations. Ask things nobody else asks. Introduce your home town, home country... And they do the same. Tell them childhood story you probably almost forgot about or the crazy dream you had last night. These are just a few tips, feel free to comment some of your own tips below.

xoxo Cara Giulia


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